The prestigious financial magazine Forbes interviews us in France

Forbes France magazine has published an article explaining what our virtual financial assistant entails, and our CIO and Co-Founder Ricardo Domínguez explained our project during the interview.

In the article they analyze how the proliferation of software developed from Artificial Intelligence enables the creation of innovative tools such as chatbots or virtual assistants that, by means of a collection and analysis of data in advance, can answer the questions of the clients automatically.

This is the case with our Chatbot Julia, which allows customers to connect with banks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Julia can answer most common questions and acquires new data on a daily basis, which mimics talking to a human being who has cognitive skills and understands various responses. On the other hand, data protection is the most sensitive aspect of the configuration of chatbots and it is necessary to guarantee confidentiality in compliance with the rules of GDPR. At TheLogicValue we have established a reliable computer system to keep data within entities, banks and insurance companies.

Julia’s ultimate goal is to improve the productivity of financial advisors and customer satisfaction. The perspective of the evolution of technology and finance is infinite, and innovation in this field creates opportunity to save time and money.